Welcome to our Lighthouse Series:
Our Lighthouse series is a suite of options available to our HR clients, designed specifically to support HR and employees successfully navigate career changes as a result of COVID.
Skills Forecasting.
Who is the ‘Clarity’ for?
“I am unsure of the next steps to take in my career and I want to avoid months of ‘trial and error’ and would like some guidance and information that can give me CLARITY on exactly the next steps I need to take, that will help me find a job and a career that is suitable for me.”
If you would like a 15-minute coaching session, click here to be taken to the Options page.
It is vital that HR understands their talent supply, compiles an accurate picture of the skills, strengths and capabilities of their workforce and aligns employees with career paths they are suited to.
As employees move to agile models, it will be of crucial importance to ensure that employees are the ‘right-fit’ for their jobs and that they have personal development plans that are aligned with their core natural skills and competencies.
HR can use these reports to ‘discover and leverage strengths’ and gain insight into the core natural abilities of their employees and guide them on a career path that is right for them and the organisation.
“I am a HR Manager and I would like to use the reports to ‘discover the strengths’ of my employees and help them reconnect and re-calibrate by supporting them identify and leverage their strengths as well as help them discover the career paths in the organisation that they are most suitable for.”
- A complimentary 25 minute introductory consultation. This will be followed by a two hour training session, where a HA Master Certified Coach will train you the HR Manager or Line Manager to understand the reports and get the maximum benefit from the reports.
- Following the training, you will then be able to interpret the reports and use the information to support your employees move into a career path that is the ‘right-fit’ for them and the organisation.
If you would like to receive more information on Discoverability contact us here…
OPTION 3. Conducting a Skills Audit.
Who is a Skills Audit for?
“I am a HR Manager and am about to embark on a re-organising process”.
I would like to conduct a skills audit of our pool of internal candidates, so that we can assess the skills we have, against the skills required for the roles in the new organisational structure. The purpose of the audit is to determine; which out of our current pool of employees are the highest skills match to the new roles in the new organisational structure.
I am interested in implementing a process that is fair, transparent, legally compliant and supports our employees effectively transition into a new career path.”
A complimentary 25 minute consultation, where we invite you to discuss your unique situation and from there we provide our expert guidance on the recommend next steps.
If you would like to further explore this area… …click here to be taken to the options page…
Once we receive your email, you will receive an appointment to discuss your query with one of our consultants; they will answer any questions you may have, give you an in-depth look at how the process works and get you plugged into a team of experts that can assist you!
If you would like further information on ‘Conduct Skills Audit’ contact us here…
To view sample reports copy and paste into your browser:
Career Development: https://bit.ly/2WfSWT8
Greatest Strengths: https://bit.ly/2YDu1LQ
Market Research Analyst: https://bit.ly/2YD6D1n
Marketing Branding Specialist: https://bit.ly/3fi7FFJ
Marketing Research Specialist: https://bit.ly/3fi83Eb
Social Media Marketing Analyst: https://bit.ly/35vhOKX
Human-by design are licensed partners for Harrison Assessments in Ireland.